Thanks to the legacy of John Gessaman and the leadership of Frank Harrison, once again, the Carolinas Gateway Partnership has completed another record capital campaign.

Even though John Gessaman has retired as the first, and only chief executive officer of the Partnership, he still casts a tall shadow, as evidenced by the more than 8,000 jobs he attracted to our area while in office; and these are quality jobs that provide our neighbors with a good living.

This is Frank Harrison’s third time at bat, and each time he hits the ball farther out of the park.

Frank has led the last three five-year capital campaigns with enthusiasm, brisk leadership, and old fashioned determination.

Because of John Gessaman and Frank Harrison, our area has positively responded to our economic development needs, thereby assuring us of another five years of positive job growth, and capital investment in our two counties.

We may experience division from time to time, but the Carolinas Gateway Partnership is the glue that holds us together.

It gives us hope, and it provides horsepower to attract jobs and investment.

About the only thing a good job won’t buy is poverty. John and Frank’s efforts will make it possible for us to “GO and GROW!”